PB and health disparities in the US

An academic paper that describes how PB can diminish health disparities by strengthening residents’ psychological empowerment, strengthening civic sector alliances, and redistributing resources to areas of greatest need.

In Brazil, PB has been associated with a reduction in extreme poverty, better access to public services, greater spending on sanitation and health services, and, most notably, a reduction in child and infant mortality.

In this paper, we outline three mechanisms by which PB could affect health disparities in US municipalities: First, by strengthening residents' psychological empowerment; second, by strengthening civic sector alliances; and third, by (re)distributing resources to areas of greatest need.

We summarize the theoretical argument for these impacts, discuss the existent empirical evidence, and highlight promising avenues for further research.

Source: Journal of Urban Health
Author information: Carolin Hagelskamp, David Schleifer, Chloe Rinehart, Rebecca Silliman

Year of publication: 2018