2024 plan for ecological transformation, Île-de-France

This is a press release on the ambitious programme of Île-de-France (Paris Region) entitled "Mobilisation plan for the ecological transformation of Ile-de-France by 2024", which boasts a 10 billion euros budget, meaning that the region devotes 1 euro out of 2 to ecology-related areas.

Part of this larger project is an Ecology- and Solidary-based Participatory Budgeting, which was launched on June 30, 2020 and allocates approximately 500 million euros for a 5-year period. Participants can promote or support projects within the following categories: Food, Biodiversity and green spaces; Cycling and clean mobility; Cleanliness, waste prevention and management, the circular economy; Renewable energies and energy efficiency; and Environmental health.

Source: Région Île-de-France
Contact: servicepresse@iledefrance.fr

Language: French