PB experience in Anderlecht, Belgium

A report that presents the PB experience in the neighborhood of Scheut, Anderlecht, Belgium. Co-written by different stakeholders involved in the process. 

The booklet, co-written with the participants of the Scheut Participative Budget - residents, associations, and administrative technicians - recounts the history of the implementation of PB. It talks about its origin, the common concern of the inhabitants to be able to get involved more easily in the neighborhood. It goes back over the process that allowed its implementation, then its evolution over the calls for proposals. Finally, it discusses the major changes that occurred during the annual PB meeting, during which the rules and the operating mode of the PB were evaluated and modified. In the course of these advances, the group returned to the major questions it encountered, as well as the errors made, to put forward the adjustment proposals.

Source: Periferia