How to Engage People with Disabilities in PB

How to Engage People with Disabilities in Participatory Budgeting

Info sheet available for download in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian and Chinese.

At its best, participatory budgeting (PB) is a transformative way to more equally distribute power and resources. PB enables community members to decide how to allocate public funds, and to ensure that funds go where they are needed most. But PB without inclusion can exacerbate inequalities. Without inclusion, community members who are isolated, marginalized, or excluded are less likely to participate and funds are less likely to address their needs.

For this course, People Powered has developed and compiled the resources to help you make participatory budgeting (PB) more inclusive, engaging, and empowering for disabled people. You will find an online course where disability rights advocates and PB implementers share best practices and lessons learned, and a short and accessible info sheet that provides actionable recommendations on how to engage disabled people in PB. Find and explore these resources below!

Who leads the course?

Who is this course for?

  • Government staff and officials around the world who are responsible for managing PB programs or for engaging and supporting people with disabilities.

  • Local organizations that are supporting or advocating for PB programs or for the inclusion of people with disabilities in government decision-making

  • International organizations and funders that want to better support or encourage inclusive participation

What you will get from this course?

Afterwards you will be able to:

  • Recognize the diverse barriers that prevent or limit the participation of people with disabilities in PB processes.

  • Identify and share effective practices and approaches to make PB more inclusive for people with disabilities, during online and offline idea-collection, deliberation, voting, and other engagement.

  • Identify key partners, actions, and tools to help you implement more inclusive practices.

  • Develop plans and next steps for applying effective inclusion approaches for your PB process.

Mentorship Program

Address specific challenges for implementing a climate-sensitive PB process through individual or group mentoring sessions with experts. 

*To sign up for mentorship you must have attended the webinar or have watched the recording, and completed the evaluation form.

More Resources

If you know additional useful resources on this topic, please check if they’re already part of our resource center, and share them with us if not!